Are our sheets and towels sustainable?

Sustainability is important to us at Host Supplies to ensure that the practices, products and processes don’t cause harm to society, the environment or future generations.

We promote social sustainability through our commitment to promoting fair and equitable conditions for all members involved in our products, from point of manufacture to delivery. Our policies help protect the rights and dignity of workers, ensuring that we set the highest benchmark for human rights protection for every step of the process. We actively address the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain, regardless of where our suppliers are located.

Providing environmentally conscious products to minimize the negative impacts on the natural environment, including conserving resources, reducing pollution, and promoting biodiversity.

All our items are reusable, which helps conserve valuable natural resources like water, energy, and raw materials. Our products are made to be commercially launderable for hundreds of washes, and several years, which means it helps reduce pollution and its harmful effects on our ecosystems.

We seek to use water-wise Australian and USA cotton and make items locally in Australia to reduce our carbon emissions where possible.  Our towels are all 100% cotton making them biodegradable and industrially compostable after they have reached their end of life.  

If you have any more questions please feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to provide more information.

Anita Staunton