Why white?
When it comes to choosing the colour of accommodation linen, there is no match for white sheeting and towels. Apart from imparting a classy and timeless look to your bathroom, white linen blends seamlessly with any decor, colour accents, and themes.
“Any customer can have a sheet or towel any colour that he wants, so long as it is white.”
White is always trending
Due to their versatility, luxurious white linen can help save you money. Your accomodation décor can be changed any number of times as desired and your pristine white linen will blend in perfectly. Whether you are giving your home a complete makeover or sprucing up your bathroom, there is no need to purchase new linen to match the decor when you invest in a set of high-quality white sheets and towels.
White blends with any color decor
Fluffy white towels and clean crisp white bed linen looks timeless and seamlessly blend in with any setting or style.
White linen is more durable
Just as dreams and romance fade, color too fades, giving linen a worn-out look and feel. Many users of coloured towels have faced the problem where big blotches appear on the towel after a few washes and the color begins to fade. The ugly truth is, coloured linen, like other colored fabrics, are susceptible to fading.
With white linen, there are no risks of them fading, and they don't need to be replaced as often as coloured items.
Easy to clean
Stains and dirt get masked by the color, which means they become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria when you neglect to wash them frequently. Studies show that over 90 percent of towels carry bacteria and other germs that can potentially cause diseases. To keep your white towels sparkling clean, all you need is hot water. As the smallest of dirt or stains are visible on your white towel, you will not forget to wash them regularly.